Data analysis of the OK Lab Stuttgart
Fine dust sensor network



 Fine dust maps

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Aim of this website

This website is concerned with the evaluation, analysis, and interpretation of the data delivered by thousands of particulate sensors (Feinstaub-Sensoren) distributed all over the world. The distribution of these sensors has been initiated by OK Lab Stuttgart, Germany - the details of this project can be found at This project is unique in its dimension and its influence on decision makers, especially in Germany.

Layers Control Tutorial - Leaflet

Mark the location of the sensor with sensor-ID #: on the map.

The locations of the OK Lab sensors are shown as circles on the map. The click into a circle shows the geographical data of the sensor location: Longitude (long), latitude (lat), altitude (old) and the sensor- ID- number of the sensor.

How many fine dust sensors are there in the network?

The sensors are marked in different colours; the meaning of the colours:

- GREEN: Sensor sends plausible data; 10291 sensors
- GREY: Sensor is not sending data; 7479 sensors
- RED: Sensor is probably defective; its values are constantly too high; 139 sensors
- ORANGE: Sensor sends implausible data and may be defective; 558 sensors
- Blue: Sensor has sent too little data; 248 sensors

The classification was made according to the fine dust sensor data of yesterday, 18.04.2024. The colours are only indications of possible problems and are used to observe these sensors more closely, as sensors can change their behaviour over time.

What do the fine dust sensors measure?

The fine dust particles detected by the network's sensors have a diameter of a few tenths of a micrometer from about 0.3 µm to 10 µm. Each fine dust sensor delivers the following values every 2.5 minutes:
- PM 2.5, the concentration of the fine dust particle with diameters down to 2.5 µm, measured in µg/m3,
- PM 10, the concentration of the fine dust particle with diameters of up to 10 µm, measured in µg/m3 .

This diagram shows the size distribution of different types of suspended particles in the air in micrometers (µm).

From: Particulates,